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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sample of Summer and Winter from Level 1 Test

This week I am featuring one of my samples from my Level 1 Test.  The sample is a 2 block Summer and Winter.  I love the fact that the back has the opposite colouring from the front of the sample.

Each section is treadled differently and is described from left to right.  The first section is treadled in pairs, the middle section is treadled in singles and and the third section is treadled as overshot (also known as Dukagang).

Cotton 2/16 was used for the warp and the tabby. A sett of 30 ends per inch was used.  The pattern weft is a very soft light green Orlon 2/16.

This sample was woven in the 80's and is traditional.  The weight and hand of the cloth is super and it is a piece I am really proud of.

If you have a piece from one of your tests that you would like to share with us, please send us a little blurb and the picture!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Calgary Weavers Profile

Marilyn Shea

Marilyn has been a longtime member of Heritage Weavers and Spinners Guild.  She weaves, spins and dyes, but her passion is spinning.  All kinds of fibre interest her, but silk and wool are her favrorites.  She uses her handspin yarn to weave scarves and blankets.  For tea towels and baby blankets she uses commercial cotton yarns.

She enjoys entering her handspun and woven items in the Western Showcase at the Calgary Stampede, Heritage Park Fall Fair and the juried show at the Handweavers, Spinners, and Dyers of Alberta conferences.  Marilyn has won many ribbons over the years and her handspun yarn has been shown in Spin Off magazine.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Spotlight on a Member Guild - Midnight Shuttles Spinning and Weaving Guild

I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet some of the members of the Midnight Shuttles Spinning and Weaving Guild twice so far this spring.  The Guild invited me to their meeting on April 1st.  They are a small guild of 20 to 25 members who meet at Sybil Andrews Cottage in Campbell River. The history behind the guild meeting place is fascinating and you can learn more from the link to the cottage or an internet search.

Although a small group, the members do alot to promote weaving in their community and beyond. In 2003 this was the Guild that took on the task of creating stunning samples for the GCW Bulletin. This past weekend the Guild sponsored a Saori weaving workshop at the Campbell River FiberFest . Guild members also set up a display of their member's work and demonstrated weaving to the general public and attendants of the FiberFest.  Unfortunately I did warn them about my photography skills and my camera somehow got changed from photos to a video.  So much to my dismay,  I do not have a photo of their lovely work or members.

Thank you to the 3 members who allowed me to photograph them and maybe next time I will do a better job!