I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet some of the members of the Midnight Shuttles Spinning and Weaving Guild twice so far this spring. The Guild invited me to their meeting on April 1st. They are a small guild of 20 to 25 members who meet at Sybil Andrews Cottage in Campbell River. The history behind the guild meeting place is fascinating and you can learn more from the link to the cottage or an internet search.
Although a small group, the members do alot to promote weaving in their community and beyond. In 2003 this was the Guild that took on the task of creating stunning samples for the GCW Bulletin. This past weekend the Guild sponsored a Saori weaving workshop at the Campbell River FiberFest . Guild members also set up a display of their member's work and demonstrated weaving to the general public and attendants of the FiberFest. Unfortunately I did warn them about my photography skills and my camera somehow got changed from photos to a video. So much to my dismay, I do not have a photo of their lovely work or members.
Thank you to the 3 members who allowed me to photograph them and maybe next time I will do a better job!
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